When You Take Dmg You Heal Team Mates

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If you heal a fully healed ally with a tiny tap and they proceed to take dmg it will heal them back a bit of that dmg. So before you start pushing in a fight just 'heal' your team a tiny bit so they can neutralise a bit of the dmg automatically. (Around 100-250 HP depending on how many you go in. Oct 01, 2008  You get the same amount of Rp / XP for healing as you do damage there is no difference. Healers should heal and do damage to maximize their points. My friend rarely bothers with attacking anyone unless they attack him (or he's playing a healer that's heals are based off his attacks) and he's leveled way faster than I ever could. Now let me tell you about our experience with DMG and TMG. When we first started seeing Dr. Sletten (Our DAN doctor.) he started Anthony on methyl b-12 injections, hoping it would help with Anthony’s speech and stimming behaviors (toe walking, drooling, repeating words, head dragging.


N n-dimethylglycine dmg for dogs. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry. 71: 7–13. Clarke, H. B.; Weisshaus, S. T.; Gillespie, H.

  • Basics
  • Stats/skills
  • AP vs AD
  • The Guide
  • Possible changes ( coming soon)

Ezrael is a new hero and because of that, this isnt a supreme guide. use this as a guideline and as a way that i like to play ezrael. i am in no means perfect but i got some ideas on what works and what not.
seeing as i am lazy and this thread does have a limit: Click here for stats/skills (http://www.leagueoflegends.com/champions/view/81/ezreal_the_prodigal_explorer)
My view on AP VS AD:
I know that there is alot of discussion going on about AD vs AP ezrael. in my opinion (read, MY) AP is by far better, the only downside to it are the high mana-cost of his spells. This is why:
The first thing is obviously that Ezrael got 3 AP and 2 AD skills (passive is 2)
but i find this quite pointless to use as an argument, take gangplank. he has 2 AP and 1 AD skill, still he goes AD.
My most and this should be THE reason to go AP anyway, is teamplay.
His AoE heal gets better with more AP and can kill enemies while helping youre team. if you are unlucky you will only damage one enemy without healing any of ur mates and this is because you need to aim youre skill, but dont worry about it! you will get better doing ur heal overtime.
Second his Ulti does AoE dmg AND scales with AP if you use that in a teamfight, you WILL hurt alot. 2 AoE abilities leveld = pain in the ass for the other team in teamfights.
Now why is it so bad to take AD then in a teamfight? simple reason, if someone is dying and stands behind someone; you cant reach him with Q. Second you level 1 skill with AD and even that is not notable. the only thing Q does is add 120(240 in crit without runes/items). Even if you do go AP, this buff will be the same regardless of youre basedmg.
Third AP vs AD argument; AP gives more HP then AD does trough items.
Fourth: an AD ezrael is SQUISHY really he is, i know that his abilities still do nice dmg without AP but you wont be autoattacking most of the times because you will die and you got low range on autoattacks(compared to other ranged carries like ashe and trist)
And finally: If you want to 1v1 take AD with trin force and CD reduction from golem/ nashors u will do fine dmg. but seriously, take shaco or something for that!
The guide:
  • Masteries
  • Summoner spells
  • Runes
  • Skill order
  • Items
  • Skills
  • Coming: How to play Ezrael

Im a huge fan of 21/0/9 myself but AP Ezrael benefits more of 9/0/21 though i take 10/0/20 sometimes to.
21/0/9 :
(21) Offense
(1) Deadliness (take either improved summoner spell if you take them)
(3) Archmage's Savvy
(4) Sorcery
(1) Archaic Knowledge
(1) Burning Embers
(4) Alacrity
(3) Brute Force
(3) Lethality
(1) Havoc
(9) Utility
(3) Perseverance
(1) good hands ( take either improved summoner spell if you take them)
(4) Expanded mind
(1) meditation OR (1) Greed OR (1) Insight(if you take clarity)
9/0/21 :
(1) Deadliness (take either improved summoner spell if you take them)
(3) Archmage's Savvy

When You Take Dmg You Heal Team Mates Download

(4) Sorcery
(1) Archaic Knowledge
(21) Utility
(3) Perseverance
(1) good hands ( take either improved summoner spell if you take them)
(4) Expanded mind
(2) Awareness
(3) meditation
(1) Greed
(3) quickness
(3) intellegence
(1) presence of the master
you can either swap greed or awareness for improved summoner spells to
and offcourse the 10/0/20 is improved ignite without presence of the master
Summoner spells:
Teleport (Do i need to tell more?)
Exhaust (Ezrael does not have a slow of his own, and this can be handy VS a carry)
Flash ( Double flash can rock, flash over 2 walls, double the distance traveled, can catch up on someone(ulti range should do this though) double bush flashing, etc)
Ignite (10 free AP, can get you an early game kill with the DoT to, ignite is great VS healing pots to (reduced healing) or healers in lane)
Ghost (Can be used to run away, ur flash should cover this area though but is never a bad thing to chase someone to(ulti)
Clairvoyance (helping youre team never is a bad thing, dont suggest it on ezrael though seeing as he can check bushes with Q)
Rally (Nice heal, adds phys dmg but we are mage)
Clarity (If u use youre skills wisely, you shouldnt be out of mana, could be an option though)
Smite (Last hitting is better, great jungling skill but we are not planning to jungle)
Revive ( If you happen to die alot, this could be for you, suggest NOT to take it though, way better spells out there)

When You Take Dmg You Heal Team Mates Free

Fortify (Youre ulti should scare alot of peeps that are hitting towers, and thus i dont use this spell)
You- Mana regen can be nice early game to stay in lane longer
- CD reduction is nice to spam Q, 2.5 sec cooldown is nice(minus 1 for skill makes 1.5)
- AP runes off-course!
- magic pen
- more ideas? post
Skill order:
Q = Mystic shot
W = Essence flux
E = Arcane shift
R = Trueshot barrage
1. Q
2. W
3. Q (due to mana cost, second Q so you do some nice dmg, after this level Q will be pointless for dmg though)
4 E
5 W
6 R
7 W
8 W
9 E
10 E
11 R
12 W
13 E
14 E
15 Q
16 R
17 Q
18 Q
Q first, does great dmg from level 1-3 after that the heal gets more important due to AP and dmg. E because of CD reduction and it levels with Ap to.
We want AP and we want mana, but we dont want to be squishy to!
Ap build is easy to get:
Build 1:
1. meki pendant and 2 HP pots -> fiendish codex ( CD reduction, some mana regen and AP)
2. Boots of speed (after step 3 get upgraded boots)
3. Guinsoos/mejai's -> upgrade boots ( i mostly try to get mejai's first seeing as u get assists easely with ult)
4. Rylai's (Get guinsoos first if u got Mejai's)
5. zhoyana's
Build 2:
1. Sapphire Crystal + hp and mana pot -> Abuse catalyst Get the catalyst ASAP! ( one of the best starting items)
2. Boots of speed (after step 3 get upgraded boots)
3.1 if the game is past 20 mins get Rod of ages,
3.2 If the game is around 15 mins, get guinsoos/mejai's

When You Take Dmg You Heal Team Mates Lyrics

3.3 if u got mejai's get Rod then guinsoos
4 Rylai's
5 Zhoyana

When You Take Dmg You Heal Team Mates 2017

Possible sixth and seventh items:
Banshees (always nice, hp, resistance, mana etc) <- any other surviveability will do, armor, magic resistance etc.
Lich bane ( use Q to abuse the proc)
Void staff ( magic pen is nice)
Abyssal scepter (ur doing AoE dmg, u reduce magic resist and adds a nice AP)
upgrade fiendish codex in deathfire grasp
Both builds work fine and as soon as i find out wich works really better, il post it here.
You will find that especially late game, you will be a force to reckon with!
Boots issue:
Sorc boots is nice, because were going AP
TeamNinja always nice versus those pesky carries
mercury VS stun heavy team
mobility uf you feel like you are doing enough dmg, and they suck
swiftness if you dont lole mobility
See below