Tank Heavy Dmg League Of Legends

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Tanks do as much damage as carries. God Went MIA (NA).Culture. Here you’ll find all sorts of discussions related to playing League of Legends. From discussions about your personal strategies, to speculation about the next champion or patch, if it’s about playing the game, it goes here. This is not a Board for gameplay bugs, please. Sep 16, 2017  Gotta say that his 'I sleep, I wake, I break things' routine is marvelous for some days. Music: Demacia Rising - Riot Games Fonts: Knight's Quest (Shield variant) Supernatural Knight.


He really is the best and he's passive is op and he's w is the best armor and magic resist bonuses. He's taunt op, he's ult op

Best tanker that I've ever used in League of Legends. All of his skill is very powerful and useful in clash. Rammus can ambush one or two enemy and can easily escape using his first skill.

Great at soaking up damage while returning it with W. Not to mention his ultimate does huge aoe damage and his a can disrupt team fights perfectly or be used to chase down and kill single targets that have tried to escape. No one escapes the rammus.

Can build pure tank and still contribute so heavily.


Best in 1on1! And so CUTE ☺

He is best tank ever1!

Best for clash and harassing enemy :3

Great for harassing enemy champs, especially if you know how to gank as him. Boost his speed, jack up his health, armor, and mana, and give him sunfire cape, and they won't survive. Pump levels into Bandage Toss and Tantrum to get the most use out of him.


He is a ninja. enough said.

Shen is more reliable then other tanks and his kit is more focuses on protection and taunt that's important

The most tanky champions used by the real players in championship

Best of the best


Passive rules! With heal he is the strongest!

Awesome champion you only need health so OP

First he's a bear second he's he's cool

This guy's passive is the best. With his passive up, you will be literally OP in the early game.


The best jungle Tank ever!

Most underrated tank need more love

Huge shield for 10 second no more

He is best tank

6Cho Gath

You're practically invincible with the right items and 6 feast stacks.

Probably the most underrated champ in the game.

He shreds people in team fight best meat shield

Too op if you get stacks in jungle


Come on guys, Singed deserved to be in top 5

Can tank five enemies at once with an hitter by his side to kill them all.

Just walk around the enemy team, do the most damage and walk out healthy

His kit is beautifully designed and completely unique. Great at causing madness.


Tips say not to even try to double him! Enough said!

Aguanta bastante si lo sabes usar


Unstoppable Force is perfect for team fights, and spamming seismic shard is great for chases. All round tank.

Best tank out there. Once leveled up, seismic shard does incredible amounts on champions such as Ashe, Miss Fortune, and any other attack based champion.

Best tank beginning attacks who can make kills and so hard to kill

The Best Tank Yet Killer AP Type Champion Youll Ever Play. Buy Him. ASAP. :)))


Best tank for me

The headbutt is the enememy worst nightmare

He is built to tank, just look at his ULT!

Number one support in s5 LCS for a reason

The Contenders


His initiating skills are awesome and he could change the tide of the team fight.

With the right build on him he can defeat anyone even jax top

He can make every enemy be stunned and it can make your ally have free hit on the enemy plus his first can slow the enemy

No champion compares to the initiation and disruption Zac has. He's an all-around tanky dude with an awesome kit.


Renekton has the most spam able abilities ever.

He is great early game and does tons of damage.

Amazing tank

Good Top Lane Tank Destroyer :P


Awesome tank my first tank and loved her

Very good tank yet so under rated

Shyvanna is easily a good tank.

Has a great ult that can be OP near the end of the game if fury charges quick enough, making all other abilities OP


Maokai survive any situation!

So much utility from the tree..

Saplings can kill too

Maokai and alistar are the best tanks


Very powerful if you know how to play with him and also very effective in team fights
his ult is insane

Now he is even better made by lol, sick passive on level 11

Second skill is OP

He resist to everything

16Dr. Mundo

Goes where he pleases

Dr mundo is the best and strongest champ

Come on he's most powerful tank

Mundo kills who he pleases.


Taric gonna backdoor you so hard

Guys, Taric has 2nd skill making op champions vulnerable plus his stun

Gems are better than you man

Barrier plus heal plus heal plus heal plus heal. Oh not enough mana.


U crazy man teemo its not tank

It is the perfect

Enter the tankmo

Teemo is by far the strongest tank. No other champion compares to his global taunt that taunts everyone during teamfights. It's like shen, and basically every good aspect of every other champion, put together into an awesome temfighting, dps, tank, mage, assassin, stealth, carry.


I would say that she is the best to have on your team because of her ability to sustain as well as give damage

Nice tank when played nicely with good coordination much of a setter.

So much stun which can be a big difference under allied turrets.

Build all health to make her unstoppable. Also the stun though


Thresh is by far the strongest champion in the game if the player can use him the game is already won.

So great cc in teamfights his q op


Fun to play but difficult if can't maneuver around skillshots and hooks. Would personally rate number 1.

Totally underrated. incredibly tanky and if you land that E against a wall, gg wp

She's supposed to be number one

My personal favorite and way better than the position on this list


My personal favorite tank deals lots of damage too

Very op my favorite tank and capital underrated, I also second on garden jaravan and Warwick although he is not a tank but he is the most op on the list.

Stacking Health feels good

I do not tire! I do not Bleed!

23Tahm Kench

Broken if you just run a spirit visage into a warmogs or sunfire cape.

He is so overpowered, he quite literally cannot die because of grey health and being able to eat allies and other champions are op.

Tahm kench is very strong and have much hp so I recommend this champ

Kench is able to save friendlies and kill enimies with his W, slow and harass with his Q, survive the most brutal Ganks with his E and roam anywhere with his ult


Is a threat late game.

If you let nasus do ANYTHING! Farm kill jungle support, he will murder you. 1v1ing a nasus that's not dueling that's suicide.

Terrible guy who just has good stats

Big doggo


Her stun makes her gank instant kill

Op passive she is a lategame queen get Righteous glory, and banshee's veil for an unstoppable gank, she also does 20% max health damige to champs she shatters meaning deleet tank. Her passive is also amazing giving you 100% bonus armour an Mt meaning 750 armour is easy to get that's about 88% reduced damage

Mobility, more HP = more Damage output.
Lots of HP&Armor and HP&M. Res items to build acordingly to situation.


Great sustain, keeps getting stronger throughout the game.

Has an Ult that is great for engaging with a side of support with his W

Lifesrealing makes ww a awe tank

28DariusTank Heavy Dmg League Of Legends

He's my main, that's enough! If you take Cleaver and tank items, your lategame beast

He's really strong if he's a late gamer

I love Darius cause of his ult reset and Passive

Tank Heavy Dmg League Of Legends Download


League Of Legends Eune

We all know he should be #1

My ace in the hole! You can run to people at full hp and get them to none while you stay consistantly at around 5% hp. Very nice tank

Tank olaf! Ninja tabi, iceborn gauntlet, sunfire cape, ravenous hydra, wit's end and spirit visage! Try to beat that! Bam

32Master Yi

Not a tank at all.. more like jgl supp



Ornn is very good on top or jg I play him like jungler with black cleaver and warmog armor is undieing machine

He meets to much damage in squishy

He's just way too good


Ultra is good, could 1v1 losts of fighters as long as he has black cleaver

League Of Legends Download

Good in early game
Best damage
Can get dragon in level 2 if you use his passive properly
Can pretty much rape anyone in top lane

36Johnny Sins

Can do a lot of Finisher Damage even though he is Tank solid 5/7


So OP with ult that increases attck dmg and then lets you fire a spray of dmg to finish enemies who try to flee


Under rated champion, and he's fast.

This guy is amazing

Best jungle 2k18

41Xin shao

Good tank good damage


Just buy zhonya and watch your ennemy team cry


Great tank that can take a hit and deliver an even bigger one. Designed for 'in your face' and beefy shield he is one of the most well rounded tanks with many advantages.

Only good for bronzes other than at bronze he sucks cause people learn he to not hit his clone

He is so op and strong and he can tank like no other

WuKong is a Great tank his abilitys do a lot of damage and attacks also he is a really good tank enough said


The best teamfighter AP Toper


How can you forget Vladimir, the most easily sustainable laner in the game, every move he does heals him more, all you need is magic resist and armor and he's feared throughout the game, then his passive is so OP its scary to face him, I faced Vlad vs Vlad and it was a 10 minute battle of draining health back and forth. Best tank mage in the game.

Every skill helps him to stay alive in the lane. Skill vampirism, colldown reduction and he can suck their blood forever.

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Have you ever stand in a lane with Soraka and Taric, try your best to take 1 kill from them even with jungle gank:-/

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Tank Heavy Dmg League Of Legends Free



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