Lol Ashe Crit Dmg Runes

Lol Ashe Crit Dmg Runes Average ratng: 8,6/10 6477 votes
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Welcome to the METAsrc Ashe build guide. We've used our extensive database of League of Legends stats along with proprietary algorithms to calculate the most optimal build for Ashe. This algorithm is able to determine the best summoner spells, item build order, skill order, runes reforged, rune stats, counters, and team mates. Note: for gangplank crit dmg runes are more viable since his Q has some base damage and will thus easier get more dmg when having crit dmg runes conclusion: AD per lvl is more useful as critical dmg runes since it doesn't require you to have any crit chance to gain the bonus effects. AD per lvl doesn't rely on any items, crit dmg does. Aug 11, 2014  Then I played another game with flat ad reds, 2 AS quints, 1 LS quint, same yellow and same blue, and max crit was 918. The crit damage runes didn't do too much more. It's a fun idea but you're better off with other runes haha. Amount of damage dealt overall was pretty similar as well. I would conclude that crit damage runes are not worth it. Feb 06, 2020  ON-HIT CRIT FULL LIFESTEAL HIGH NOON ASHE ADC Best Build & Runes League of Legends S10. 911 AP KATARINA JUNGLE DARK HARVEST 76k DMG Build & Runes. Best Build & Runes League of. isn't endorsed by Riot Games and doesn't reflect the views or opinions of Riot Games or anyone officially involved in producing or managing League of Legends.

Mhw how much dmg does elements do. By balancing your choice of weapon (and thus affinity) against your armor you can seriously change things up - and in past Monster Hunter games this was what led to the super high-damage meta in the endgame, with the all-time classic being a combination of a low-affinity greatsword and the Critical Draw skill, a combination that turns a hunter into a ridiculously powerful tank.So far, these are the armor skills we've found that raise your affinity, plus where to find them in both.

Dungeons and dragons 3.5 dmg reduction vs magic. This guide has not yet been updated for the current season. Please keep this in mind while reading. You can see the most recently updated guides on the browse guides page

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This is my first time making a build. Please comment on it so i can make future builds better! Ashe's build is based off of her passive and slowing attacks. The point is to max out her crit chance, give her high attack speed and high damage.

Summoner Spells

Flash: to avoid getting squished or to chase down an enemy. This is useful for avoiding getting ganked in order to stay alive longer. I would not suggest using this to chase down enemies. this should be used only as a defensive spell for ashe.
Ignite: to finish off an enemy that is running away. This will help you get early kills when in mid and on sides. Can also be used to help keep enemies from using lifesteal to its full effectiveness and get the kill off faster.


summoner's wrath: improve ignite (ghost can be used as alternative)
brute force: increase attack damage since ashe's attack damage starts out relatively low
sorcery: decrease time between launching volley and ashe's arrow

Lol Runes Guide

weapon mastery: increase armor penetration
deadliness: increase crit strike chance
lethality: increase crit damage
vampirism: give ashe lifesteal to have her last longer in the lane
sunder: increase armor penetration
executioner: finish off enemies on low health and running away
summoner's insight: improve flash
expanded mind: increase ashe's mana pool for more frost arrows and volleys
meditation: increase mana regen
swiftness: increase general movement speed

Skill Sequence

Start off with Q ability
Max out W ability as soon as possible
- faster cooldown
- more damage
- great for clearing lanes of minions
Make sure to get hawkshot around fifth level to help avoid getting ganked early
Max out Q next to get full effectiveness for chasing down enemies
Enchanted arrow is not a finishing move, it is only for gaining advantage in combat for you and your allies
- stop them from using ability
- stop them from running away


Greater Mark of Desolation: increase armor penentration
Greater Glyph of Focus: increase cooldowns
Greater Seal of Furor: increase crit damage
Greater Quintessence of Desoltaion: increase armor penetration


Start off with Doran's Blade to have increased life steal, damage and health.
Then I move into getting Berserker's Greaves to help increase her attack speed.
After the boots Infinity Edge should be the first item to get. It great for increasiing damage dealt by crits, which is a must fot this build
Move into getting a phantom's dancer to give you an overall increase in attack speed crit chance and movement.
At this point, you can either get another one to finish the crit part of the build or get a bloodthirster to increase general attack and lifesteal.
For the final weapon, it depends on how the game is going. If they have high armor, get a Last Whisper for better armor penetration. If they have mainly tanks on the team, get a Madred's Bloodrazor to bring down their health quickly.
Another option for a final item is to get Trinity Force for more damage after using an ability and general inmprovements in stats. This will make sure you have 100% crit all the time.
As a final thought, if you really need more attack damage or protection, like a Banshee's Veil, you can sell the boots as you will already have a lot of movement speed from the Phantom Dancers.

Pros / Cons

She has fast attack speed so she can get off more hits
It's easy to chase down fleeing enemies because of her slowing attack
Her ultimate helps to initiate a gank attack by stunning and slowing everyone in range
She will in general deal high damage to enemies in a short time because of 100% crit with 250%+ critical damage
She is extremely squishable, meaning she will die if ganked
If you play mid, be sure to get vision wards to watch the sides for ganks
Be careful when taking a lane alone late game as you will get two hitted if they gank you

Creeping / Jungling

if you choose to jung with ashe at all, it will be late game, or around level 13. At this point her lifesteal will help keep you from dying and if you have sheen or trinity force, creeps will die faster this way. When in lane, be sure to get last hit on creeps for money. If you need more money, rank up hawkshot to get more money from passive for killing creeps/monsters.

Team Work

When playing as ashe, her frost shot will be useful to allies to make chasing down enemies easier and to allow your allies to get more abilities off on that champion. Though not recommended until you are good as playing ashe, you can also shoot her enchanted arrows across the map to save allies from enemy finishing blows and allow them to escape. The reverse is also true as it can be used to initiate aliied attacks.


Overall, ashe should always be at the back of a fight. If she is at the front, she will be killed and her ranged slowing attacks are used to make chasing down an enemy easier. She will be infinitely useful to your allies for ganking and taking down enemies with a lot of health (tanks) with her high attack stats. She can also easily finish off enemies who have low health, like vayne. However, she is extremely squishable and will be easily taken down if you aren't paying attention. She will be two hitted by most champions and will have no hopes if ganked. If used right, she can farm easily with high attack damage from volley and other abilities, and with ignite for enemies who are close to death and getting away. be sure to use flash wisely as it has a long cooldown and she is one who needs to avoid getting hit by champions.Not Updated For Current Season

This guide has not yet been updated for the current season. Please keep this in mind while reading. You can see the most recently updated guides on the browse guides page

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heyyyy, i'm new here and this is my first build guide in mobafire, well, let's start.

Pros / Cons

Ashe is a hard champion to play. Annnnd, it's recommended for new players.
Lol1. Surprisingly good damage on level 1~3
2. Ice = Slow = Sustain Control
3. Averagely better than normal ad carry in lane pushing
4. E does scout
5. ult is op
1. Squishy
2. If you play ashe , you need a good support
3. Averagely need more time than normal adc to build up until carry (blank time longer)
4. Hard to last hit
5. No gap closer to chase/run for life
6. Team fight couldn't hurt enemy squishy champ, have to fight the closest first
Let me explain each one of them see if you guys agree with me.
Pro 1: Surprisingly good damage on level 1~3
Everyone knows ashe's first hit does critical, but how many opponents actually careful for that? And when they don't care with level 1 A+W+A combo , you can cut over half of your opponent's health , if your support can control him, makes you extra 2 hit and with ignite, first blood. This attack power I would think it only weaker than graves
Pro 2: Ice = Slow = Sustain Control
With her Q and your support Champion you can put your opponent on an embarrassing situation either keep running and get hit or kited by you. Especially when they're at 2/3 health, it's a situation they have to consider and many times people makes wrong choices.
Pro 3: Averagely better than normal ad carry in lane pushing
let's name some mainstream ad carry, Graves, Ezreal, Caitlyn, Miss Fortune, Corki, not really lot of them have a low mana cost low cool down AOE skill like ashe does. And, better lane push means also if your support doesn't suck, you get better lane control, not just pushing.
Pro 4: E does scout
Just a notice that during the actual line of E, you can spot more than your enemy thinks you can. at the edge vision of your E, if you spot someone they're not gonna know it. And you know, the half screen scout does not only spot the vision for 5 seconds, it gives your support safety to walk there and put down wards.
Pro 5: ult is op
Ashe's ult can do lots things, crowd control, specific target stun, the most advantage is range, actually we don't really need cross-map ult, we just need the ult further than others
Con 1: Squishy
She is squishy even in the ad carry list. Whenever I play as jungler and I see ashe, I would consider she a not-alone or easy kill champion.
Con 2: If you play ashe , you need a good support
you need a Sona who knows how to poke, you need a blitz who knows how to grab, you need your support to place wards at dragon place but not the bush. You have a long blank time and needs money. Try to play smart in mid-game, it will earn you a lot.
Con 3: Averagely need more time than normal adc to build up until carry (blank time longer)
you only have W as ad plus skill, this makes your damage lower than other ad carry in mid-game when people can only afford a attack speed boots and at most one single blood thirst.
Con 4: Hard to last hit
at level 1 you have 15 sec cool down W, and averagely lower attack damage than other champions. early last hit is quite hard for you, one of my friend tried to train last hit with no rune and masteries, he tried Corki and got 100 minion kill/10 min then he tried Ashe and he just couldn't do it and quit.
Con 5: No gap closer to chase/run for life
yes she can slow, but not gap closer skill also because she is squishy, she's quite often gank target.
Con 6: Team fight couldn't hurt enemy squishy champ, have to fight the closest first
You might can actually jump into the team fight, but your enemy would see a squishy no gap closer skill ad carry in the middle of chaos, what would they do? well, easy kill first. and not like KogMaw who can just spam his R and use his W to gain the range attack chance.


I'd pick all attack Quintessence because Ashe without rune at start have 49 attack damage. now she has exactly 60 attack damage at start.
piking critical chance mark is the main point of this guide, I made the critical chance add up to 10% in the runes and with the equipment of this guide you can get almost 20% critical chance right at the start and extra gold. As we all know the critical chance appear its power at around 50%, so it's only one phantom dancer's distance.
The rest, as they say is armor and MR/level.


23/0/7 Masteries, more offend, less defend, you can pick 21/9/0 or 21/0/9 as you wish, doesn't really affects a lot

Skill Sequence

I would put level 2 E at champion level 10 because on level 10, an extra field scout would be more important than 5% slow for your team.


Ok, the last big part, I did consider about if I would suggest infinity edge complete first then phantom dancer, but after all I didn't. I want to make this guide letting Ashe's blank time shorter and shorter. So that I'd suggest half build infinity edge and half build phantom, after that you can move on build the rest. do check on enemy's armor to decide either ruined king or armor breaker bow.

Lol Ashe Crit Dmg Runes List


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If any comment please leave a reason over here and let me consider, I'll keep updating this guide and try to make a better one. Thank you.