D D 5e Sorcerer Dmg Variants

D D 5e Sorcerer Dmg Variants Average ratng: 9,8/10 578 votes

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The Variant aasimar is DMG, and there are no sub types at all. Only Volo's aasimar have subtypes. So you are either a Dmg variant Aasimar or a Volo Aasimar with a sub type of protector, scourge, or fallen) and out of the four possibilites, the only the DMG variant does not have Healing Hands. The other 3 do at level 1.

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  • Nov 11, 2016  r/dndnext: A place to discuss the latest version of Dungeons and Dragons, the fifth edition, known during the playtest as D&D Next.
  • One of my players (level 5 Druid) has been looking at the Spell Points variant rule in the 5th edition DMG (page 288) and wants to use it for his character. I've talked to the other players with spellcasting (a Wizard and an Arcane Trickster) and they would prefer to stick with spell slot.
  • Feb 16, 2019  The acronym “DMG” refers to the Dungeon Master’s Guide. The phrase “DMG Aasimar” refers to the version of the Aasimar race that is printed in the Dungeon Master’s Guide as an example of a new/custom race, as opposed to versions of the Aasimar that.
  • Oct 25, 2019  My version of the Sorcerer: The Treantmonk Variant Change log: I have restricted the use of changing damage types with Elemental affinity to fire, cold, poison, acid and lightning, to prevent.
  • 2Class Features
  • 11Sorcerous Origin
    • 11.1Celestial Blessing
    • 11.2Demonic Heritage
    • 11.3Draconic Bloodline
    • 11.4Fey Ancestry
  • 12Elemental Affinity
    • 12.1Air
    • 12.2Earth
    • 12.3Fire
    • 12.4Water

Sorcerer Elemental Variant[edit]

Class Features

As a Sorcerer you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d6 per Sorcerer level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 6 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d6 (or 4) + Constitution modifier per Sorcerer level after 1st


Armor: None
Weapons: Daggers, Quarterstaves, Handaxes, Maces
Tools: None
Saving Throws: Constitution, Charisma
Skills: Choose three from Arcana, Deception, Insight, Intimidation, Persuasion, and Religion


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) A quarterstaff or (b) a mace
  • (a) A component Pouch or (b) an arcane focus
  • (a) A dungeoneer’s pack or (b) an explorer’s pack
  • (a) A Dagger or (b) a handaxe

Table: The Sorcerer

FeaturesCantrips KnownSpells Known—Spell Slots per Spell Level—
1st+2Spellcasting, Sorcerous Origin222
2nd+2Magical Atunement233
4th+2Ability Score Improvement3543
5th+3Sorcerous Origin Feature36432
6th+3Magical Atunement Feature37433
8th+3Ability Score Improvement394332
9th+4Sorcerous Origin Feature31043331
10th+4Magical Atunement Feature41143332
12th+4Ability Score Improvement412433321
13th+5Sorcerous Origin Feature4134333211
14th+5Magical Atunement Feature4134333211
16th+5Ability Score Improvement41443332111
17th+6Sorcerous Origin Feature415433321111
18th+6Magical Atunement Feature415433331111
19th+6Ability Score Improvement415433332111
20th+6Elemental Incarnation415433332211


At 1st level, you gain the ability to cast spells. You know a number of spells based on your sorcerer level, and when you level up you can exchange a known spell for a spell you are able to cast.

Spell Slots[edit]

The sorcerer table shows how many spell slots you have to cast your spells of 1st level and higher. To cast one of these sorcerer spells, you must expend a slot of the spell's level or higher. You regain all expended spell slots when you finish a long rest.

Spellcasting Ability[edit]

Charisma is your spellcasting ability for your sorcerer spells. You use your Charisma whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Charisma modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a sorcerer spell you cast and when making an attack roll with one.Spell Save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma ModifierSpell Attack Modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Charisma Modifier

Spell List[edit]

Cantrips: Air: Mage Hand, Lighting Lure Fire: Green-Flame Blade, Produce Flame Earth: Thaumaturgy, Minor Illusion Water: Chill Touch, Ray Of Frost
1st: Air: Jump, Longstrider, Silent Image Fire: Burning Hands, Faerie Fire, Fog Cloud Earth: Disguise Self, Mage Armor, Shield Water: Charm Person, Create Or Destroy Water, Goodberry
2nd: Air: Gust Of Wind, Pass Without Trace, Invisibility Fire: Flame Blade, Heat Metal, Scorching Ray Earth: Enhance Ability, Hold Person, Spike Growth Water: Calm Emotions, See Invisibility, Silence
3rd: Air: Call Lightning, Haste, Wind Wall Fire: Daylight, Fireball, Gaseous Form Earth: Counterspell, Slow, Meld Into Stone Water: Blur, Hypnotic Pattern, Sleet Storm
4th: Air: Dimension Door, Greater Invisibility Fire: Fire Shield, Wall Of Fire Earth: Freedom Of Movement, Stone Shape Water: Control Water, Ice Storm Other: Conjure Minor Elementals
5th: Air: Cloudkill, Passwall Fire: Immolation, Reincarnate Earth: Awaken, Wall Of Stone Water: Antilife Shell, Cone Of Cold Other: Conjure Elemental
6th: Air: Chain Lightning, Blade Barrier Fire: Disintegrate, Sunbeam Earth: Move Earth, Wall Of Earth Water: Eyebite, Wall Of Ice
7th: Air: Etherealness Fire: Fire Storm Earth: Reverse Gravity Water: Regenerate
8th: Air: Control Weather Fire: Incendiary Cloud Earth: Earthquake Water: Tsunami
9th: Air: Storm Of Vengeance Fire: Meteor Swarm Earth: Shapechange Water: Weird

Sorcerous Origin[edit]

Choose a sorcerous origin, which describes the source of your arcane powers: Celestial blessing, Demonic heritage, Draconic Bloodline, or Fey Ancestry, you gain additional features at levels 5, 9, 13, and 17. Detailed at the end of the class description.

Elemental Affinity[edit]

At level 2 you choose a particular affinity that your magic is focused upon: Air, Earth, Fire, or Water, you can choose to improve an affinity or select another at levels 6, 10, 14, and 18. Detailed at the end of the class description.

Attuned to The Elements[edit]

At level 5 you can use 1st level spells that are based off of your element without using a spell slot. At level 11 this also includes 2nd level spells of your element, and 3rd level spells of your element at 17th level.

Elemental Incarnation[edit]

At 20th level you embody the raw force of the elements. Your Constitution and Charisma scores increase by 4. Your maximum for these scores is now 24.

Sorcerous Origin[edit]

Celestial Blessing[edit]

Blessed Bloodline[edit]

You can speak, read, and write in celestial, add Light as a known cantrip, and add Cure Wounds and Healing Word to your list of known spells.

Shield of Reflection[edit]

Starting at 5th level you may create a shield that reflects light into a focused beam of daylight, 30 feet in dim light and 60 feet in normal light, the shield lasts for 1 minute and provides you with + 2 AC, you may create this shield once after finishing a short or long rest.

Divine Command[edit]

Once you have reached level 9 you may draw upon your divine blood into a single command, choose one creature within 60 feet, that creature must make a charisma save or be subjected to truth, if they fail they must speak only the truth for 1 hour, the creature must respond immediately to all questions you ask them. You may use this feature once after finishing a long rest.


When you reach 13th level you can no longer be instantly killed by unnatural means.


At level 17 you may, as an action, transform yourself into a Planetar for 1d6 rounds, you retain your own hit points, at the end of your transformation you must make a Constitution check of DC 20 or suffer 1 level of exhaustion.

Demonic Heritage[edit]

Abyssal Blood[edit]

Your walking speed increases by 10 feet and can speak, read, and write in Abyssal. Because of the unnatural power flowing through your veins, you gain a +2 to health per level

Chaotic Movements[edit]

At level 5 you no longer provoke attacks of opportunity when you move.

Claws of the Demon[edit]

Starting at level 9 your fingers become strong enough to use as claws, and are fueled with fiendish power. You gain proficiency in unarmed strikes, and they deal 1d6 slashing damage, and 1d6 poison damage. Additionally, you may climb difficult surfaces, including vertical surfaces & on the ceiling, without having to make an ability check.

Keen Reactions[edit]

At level 13 you may take a reaction on every turn while in combat.


At level 17 you may, as an action, you can innately teleport, along with any equipment you are carrying, up to 120 feet to an unoccupied space that you can see. You can also use a spell slot for this ability. Every level of spell slot counts as an additional 20ft. If you use a spell slot that is higher than 6th level, you no longer require line of sight. At level 20, you can also cast plane shift without any components on yourself. You can only use the ability after taking a long rest.

Draconic Bloodline[edit]

Dragon Ancestor[edit]

Choose a draconic ancestor, you can read write and speak in draconic. Because of the great strength and power of you ancestors, your hit die and health are now 1d10.

Draconic Resilience[edit]

As magic flows through your body it causes you to take on a more draconic appearance, your maximum hit point maximum increases by one and increases by one again whenever you take a level in this class. Additionally you grow scales on your forearms and your nails grow elongated. When you aren't wearing armor your AC equals 13 + your Dexterity modifier and your unarmed attacks deal 1d6 plus CHA mod in (elemental) dmg.

Eyes of the Dragon[edit]

Starting at level 5 your eyes change into the intimidating eyes of a dragon, as an action you can glare and snarl at a creature within 30 feet of you, make an Intimidation check, the target must make a Wisdom saving throw aginst your check set as the DC, if it fails it becomes frightened of you for one minute, it repeats this save against the original DC at the end of each of its turns.

Elemental Protection[edit]

At level 9 you gain resistance in your dragon ancestor's element.

Dragon Wings[edit]

Immediately upon attaining level 13 you sprout wings in the fashion of your dragon ancestor, you gain a flying speed equal to your walking speed, if you wear armor it must be specifically crafted to accommodate them, otherwise you cannot wear the armor.


When you reach 17th level you become immune to your dragon's element and your Dragon scales grow to cover your back as well and you nails become claws, increasing the AC of Draconic resilience to 15 + your Dexterity modifier and you unarmed attacks deal 1d12 plus CHA mod in (elemental) dmg.

Fey Ancestry[edit]

Fey Magic[edit]

You gain Druidcraft as a cantrip and add Detect magic and Entangle to your list of known spells and you can speak, read, and write, in Sylvan.

Dec 13, 2019  Open a DMG file in Windows. Though there isn’t much you can do with a.dmg file within Windows, there are ways to open the platform within your computer. Despite the differences between the core of Mac OS and Windows 10,.dmg files can be read with the assistance of third-party apps. For Linux a built-in 'cdrecord' command can be issued to burn DMG files to CD's or DVD's. Aside from the Finder application, you can open DMG files through Apple Disk Utility, Roxio Toast, and Dare to be Creative iArchiver for Mac platform. On the other hand, additional applications such Acute Systems TransMac, DMG2IMG, and DMG2ISO can be. Open DMG Files in Windows By Using 7-Zip or DMG Extractor. There are a lot of different tools you can use to extract DMG files in Windows. Our two favorites are 7-Zip and DMG Extractor. In our testing, we found a few DMG files that would open with one of those apps but not the other. However, we found no DMG files we couldn’t get open with. Nov 12, 2019  About DMG Files. Our goal is to help you understand what a file with a.dmg suffix is and how to open it. The Apple Disk Image file type, file format description, and Mac, Windows, and Linux programs listed on this page have been individually researched and verified by the FileInfo team.We strive for 100% accuracy and only publish information about file formats that we have tested and validated. Nov 18, 2019  The software you download for your Mac in a DMG format can be opened like any other file on a Mac, and then the setup program can be run to install the software. How to Open a DMG File in Windows A DMG file can certainly be opened in Windows, but that doesn't mean you can actually use anything you find within it. Program to open dmg files mac.

Fey Charm[edit]

At level 5 you may cast Charm Person at will without expending any spell slots.

Tree Walk[edit]

Beginning at level 9, once on your turn you may use 10 feet of your movement to step magically into one living tree within your reach and emerge from a second living tree within 60 feet of the first tree. Both trees must be Large or bigger.

Does added phy dmg on rings effect ek poe. Bleed Tornado ShotDeadeye/Ranger buildUpdated for Patch 3.8The Best Crafty Guides by OdealoEstimated budget: highGuide notesOctober 30, 2019-Updated for Patch 3.8November 1, 2019-Added updated gameplay videoTornado Shot is the most popular Bow skill in Path of Exile. We have decided to make an entirely new variation of this powerful ranged build, which revolves around purely Physical Damage and Crimson Dance's multiple Bleed.

Magic Resistance[edit]

At 13th level you gain advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.

Unearthly Grace[edit]

At level 17 you may add your Charisma modifier to all saving throws.

Elemental Affinity[edit]


You learn the winds of chaos cantrip Winds Of Chaos (5e Spell)

Level 1: Wind Rider[edit]

You may, as an action turn into a gaseous state then rush forward into a straight line up to twice your movement speed, then you revert back, you do not provoke attacks of opportunity while in this state.

Level 2: Lightning Strike[edit]

When you use Wind Rider you may instead become a bolt of lightning, if you do so you move up to three times your movement speed, if you move through any creatures they must make a dexterity save or take 6d6 lightning damage, save for half. You may use this ability a number of times per day equal to your Charisma modifier.

Level 3: Air Pocket/Scent[edit]

You may create a pocket of air enough to allow an amount of creatures equal to your Charisma modifier to breathe normally no matter what the environment is, this lasts for 1 hour, you may use this ability once after you finish a short or long rest, additionally you gain the scent ability.

Level 4: Wind Dance[edit]

After you cast an Air spell you may immediately move up to half your speed without provoking an attack of opportunity.

Level 5: Master of the Current[edit]

You gain proficiency in Dexterity saves and gain the Evasive ability.


You learn the earthen onslaught cantrip Earthen Onslaught (5e Spell)'

Level 1: Tectonic Shifter[edit]

You may, as a bonus action slam your foot into the ground creating a 5 foot wide, 1 foot thick barrier of rock adjacent to you, if placed between yourself and another creature, neither of you is considered within the others threatened area, this must be used on a patch of earth, the barrier crumbles at the start of your next turn.

Level 2: Tremor Sense[edit]

While you are on the ground you have blindsight out to 60 feet, you can only see creatures this way that are also touching the ground, or a wall within your blindsight.

Level 3: Earthen Master[edit]

Your Earth based spells increase in their range by 30 feet, additionally the targets must make a strength save or fall prone after being targeted by a level 1 or higher Earth spell.

Level 4: Bombardment[edit]

You may add your Charisma modifier to the damage of all Earth based spells.

Level 5: Terra Incarnate[edit]

Your mastery of Earth magic has reached its pinnacle, you have become resistant to slashing, piercing, and lightning damage, and you become immune to damage from earth spells at level 17.


You learn the inferno cantrip Inferno (5e Spell)

D&d 5e cleric
Level 1: Smoke Screen[edit]

You may, as a bonus action create a cloud of smoke in a 10 foot radius around you that obscures all sight unless you are within 5 feet of an object or creature, otherwise all creatures are blinded inside the smoke, the smoke dissipates at the end of your next turn.

Level 2: Solar Flare[edit]

As an action, and while you are in bright light you can channel the light around you into a bright flash that lasts until the start of your next turn, all creatures within 120 feet of you become blinded for the duration. You may use this ability a number of times equal to your charisma modifier each day.

Level 3: Aftermath[edit]

After casting a Fire spell of level 1 or higher, the spell creates a pocket of disorientating heat in the area until the start of your next turn, all creatures within that area must make a wisdom save or become confused for 1 round (same conditions as the confusion spell).

Level 4: Unyielding Flame[edit]

When you cast a Fire spell you ignore resistance and treat immunity as resistance, all your fire spells now burn as a white flame.

At 20th level unyielding flame also has: when you cast a fire spell you double vulnerability damage, absorption is trested as immunity, all your fire spells now burn as a scarlet flame in addition to it’s other color.

Level 5: Fire Form[edit]

You gain the Fire Form ability possessed by Fire Elementals, you may use an action to suppress this ability and a reaction to release it, while in this form you appear as a mass of flame in the form of your body. In this form your fire immunity is treated as absorption, a vulnerability for water, you produce a aura that set any flammable being or object (that is not enchanted) ablaze.


You learn the ebb and flow cantrip Ebb And Flow (5e Spell)'

Level 1: Surface Tension[edit]

As a bonus action you may lightly coat yourself with water, granting you temporary hit points equal to your Charisma modifier plus your proficiency bonus and a +2 bonus to AC that lasts for 1 minute.

D D 5e Sorcerer Dmg Variants Download

Level 2: Water Walking[edit]

You may walk normally across water and icy surfaces, including moving water. At level 17, you can also walk across lava, but deals 1d4 damage per round when you are still on the lava.

Level 3: Hydration[edit]

Upon casting a water spell you, or an ally within 20 feet of you, may heal a number of hit points equal to your Charisma modifier plus your proficiency bonus.

Level 4: Aqua Aura[edit]

As an action you may surround yourself with an aura of water, granting you immunity to cold and fire damage and ranged attacks have disadvantage against you. You must use a spell slot of at least 1st level to use this. Each spell slot level gives two minutes.

Level 5: Unhindered Mastery[edit]

While using your Aqua Aura you gain a flying speed equal to your speed, you may dash as a bonus action and you are under the effects of the freedom of movement spell. You can now also fire water from your hand while under the effects of the Aqua Aura, as though using a Decanter of Endless Water.

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D D 5e Sorcerer Dmg Variants Guide

I've always really dug the whole idea of spell points. It makes more sense to me that magic would run on a generalized pool of energy instead of discrete, denominated charges. But I don't think I've ever actually tried a spell point system, not in any edition.
So, I'm wondering about the spell point variant in the 5e DMG. And, right off the bat, there are a few things that bug me about it.
Spell point costs. That's just a really weird, inelegant points-to-level conversion schedule, there. After mathing on it a bit, I guess the idea is that each level costs 1⅓ points more than the previous one, but it looks entirely nuts when simplified to integers. I really prefer the cost schedule in the D&D 3e variant: it starts at 1 point for a first level spell, and each subsequent level costs 2 more points. (Which is the same formula used for psionic power costs in 3e.)
Anyway, I couldn't begin to guess how many magic missiles one wish spell is worth, so I don't know how I'd actually evaluate these costs. But I get the feeling that 5e went with a slower cost increase in some attempt to mitigate the extent to which low-level spells become trivially cheap for casters using spell points. So there might be good reason for this seeming inelegance.
Skyrocketing spell point pools. The spell-points-by-caster-level progression looks insane, but it's clear that it was determined by looking at what a regular slot-caster could put out at a given level, and what it would take for a point-caster to do the same thing.
But you know what? I'm not buying that rationale. I have a feeling that a lot of high-level wizards go to bed at night with a lot of low-level slots left unused. So that might be way more than your average point-caster actually needs to keep up. And of course if you're not using all those 'extra' points on low-level spells, you can use them to cast more high-level spells than your equal-level slot-caster rivals can.
The 6th-level-and-higher rule. So this one weirdness—limiting point-casters to a maximum of one 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th-level slot per day—seems like a kluge to address my previous complaint. And I kinda really don't like it. In the middle of this system to avoid the gamey of quantification spell slots, we're got this rule where all of a sudden you can't do 6th-level slots anymore today, because you already did one. But hey, you can still do 7th-level slots. And you can just cast your 6th-level spell with a 7th-level slot. It is just very awkward, is all I'm saying.
So what do you folks think about all this? Has anybody ever actually used this variant? Or, for that matter, the old 3e one? How did the balance shake out? And, of course, the dreaded bookkeeping?